First Annual Conference on SCL
The first PASCL conference was held in conjunction with the 28th European Students’ Convention, which gathered members of students’ unions and stakeholders from throughout Europe in Florence, Italy from 28th to 30th September 2014.
The first results of the research conducted by this project cover institutional implementation of SCL, targeting European Universities, giving their self-reflection on implementation of the concept and its further development.We have shared the findings of the research with the ESU Board and promoted further discussion in order to receive much needed input from the National Unions of Students (NUS).
We hope that points raised will promote discussion and result in better understanding of SCL concept and its value to different stakeholders. Further stages of research call for more active student involvement in evaluating the process of implementation of SCL on institutional level, but also commenting efforts on national level when creation policy on SCL. This is where our members have played a key role in providing input and creating a platform for sharing best practices.
Second Annual Conference on SCL
As the second major event organised on the project, the 3-day conference will have as aims to continue the debated on the SCL topics, but also to present the progress results of the projects, as well as to provide up-to-date information to the SCL experts. It is planned to be organised in Malta with a targeted participation of around 80 people, representatives of students, HEI staff, other stakeholders, policy and decision makers at European and national level. A timeslot dedicated to update the SCL experts on the results of the piloting phase and the improvements of the PASCL assessment framework to be used for their future work on SCL peer assessments. All the partners will support KIC in promoting the event, preparing the agenda and organising the whole event.
Final Conference on SCL
The last event to be organised during the project lifetime is planned to take place in Brussels with a targeted participation of around 60 people, mainly relevant stakeholders, policy and decision makers at European and national level, but also representatives of students and HEI staff.The 2-day Final Conference aim is to present the final outcomes of the project and the plans for further developments, inviting the participants to become active supporters of PASCL tool for a higher qualitative education in Europe. Awards ceremony will be organised as well to give recognition to the best practises identified in implementing SCL/ excellence in teaching. ESU, as hosting organisation will coordinate the preparations and the event organising phases, with the support of all the members of the consortium, especially CEU which has experience in organizing such awards.